bulk storage
Limestone and Clinker
In cement manufacture, Geometrica domes store raw materials and finished products.
Cement plants need large, column free buildings for limestone blending, fuel and additives storage, clinker storage and palletizing areas. Geometrica provides cost effective buildings for all these needs with quick construction and low labor requirements. Limestone blending beds typically go from under 70m to over 120m. Longitudinal additives and fuel stockpiles and stacking equipment require buildings that span from 50m to over 100m. Geometrica has supplied domes in the whole range.
Clinker storage silos contain the material with concrete walls. The Geometrica dome sits atop the wall to cover the stockpile. Being hygroscopic, clinker domes typically feature both internal and external cladding. This prevents the material from accumulating on the structure in humid conditions.
Circular or longitudinal blending is best done under a Geometrica dome.
Gallery: Cement Manufacture Domes